Islam and the Challenges of the Family in Contemporary Society Date: 5 March 2020 Place: University College Bedër, Conference Hall Organizers: University College Bedër, Department of Islamic Sciences Muslim Community of Albania World Muslim Communities Council
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Educational process has been defined as “the entire process of social life by means of which individuals and social groups learn to develop consciously within and for the benefit of the national and international communities, the whole of their personal capacities, attitudes, aptitudes and knowledge. This process is not limited to any specific activities”. Education has to be done in accordance with the human rights. One of the important human rights is represented by the freedom of religion; this freedom implies everyone’s right of being educated within the spirit of the personal religion and everybody’s duty to be tolerant with the others’ religious beliefs. There are a lot of different religious beliefs in the world. But essentially, they have some core values which could and should be pointed out within the educational context. Over the periods of childhood and youth, the parents, the specialized educators and the communities should grow children in a nurturing and unambiguous environment. Religious education can receive other nuances if we are be able to see only the core issues of the religion, and focus the educators’ action within the formal education context on developing core and common values for all the learners no matter to what religion belong. Religious Education has never been more relevant, engaging or challenging as religion and religious issues are so often in the news. The recent events in Europe and worldwide are just a reminder of the dangers of religious extremism and how religious education can play a vital role in addressing these matters. For all the people to be able to understand our constantly changing world they need to be able to interpret religious issues and evaluate their significance. Religious Education gives valuable insights into the diverse beliefs. it helps with own personal development and supports an understanding of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural questions that surface again and again in everyone’s lives. In tackling difficult questions, it provides people with insight that can work to challenge stereotypes, promote cohesion, and tackle extremism. Religious Education does important work encouraging young people to value themselves and the communities within which they live. It is important for children, young people and everyone to learn to be respectful of both their own and other people’s beliefs and cultures. This helps to make communities a fairer place for everybody, whatever their religion, culture, language or background. The more it is discussed, the more society will become aware of the values and importance that religious education carries.